Mrs. Grace Roy
Getting to know Mrs. Roy~
In my spare time, I enjoy chasing my three boys around with the help of my husband Nick.
Education and Experience
I attended Minnesota North College (when it was Itasca Community College) to receive an A.S. in Early Childhood and then slowly began working toward a B.S. in Early Childhood Education at Mayville State University. It has been a seven-year-long dream to teach kindergarten, God is good! In addition to being a licensed teacher, I have worked with some of the youngest learners for over ten years serving in daycares, preschool centers, elementary classrooms, and various Sunday school rooms at church.
Interests and Hobbies
I also love weightlifting, walking, reading Ted Dekker novels, watching cartoons, and having family adventures.
Favorite Scripture(s)
My most frequently quoted Bible verse is Matthew 19:26, “With people it is impossible, but with God all things are possible